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Trimetals Renews Membership with Liquid Gas UK
February 22, 2023
Trimetals, a leading manufacturer of high-quality metal products, has renewed its membership with Liquid Gas UK, the industry association that represents the LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) industry in the United Kingdom. This move is part of Trimetals’ commitment to strengthening industry ties and promoting the use of its innovative metal gas storage solutions.
As a member of Liquid Gas UK, Trimetals has access to a range of resources and industry news, as well as opportunities to network and collaborate with other industry professionals. This helps the company to stay up to date with the latest developments and opportunities in the LPG industry, which is essential for its continued success and growth.
From Plastisol Coating to 25-Year Guarantees: The Sustainability of Our Products
November 15, 2022
All too often, consumers buy products with a short lifespan in favour of the smaller price tag. Yet, these products typically require extensive upkeep and/or regular replacement, making them more expensive, and worse for the environment in the long run.
By definition, sustainability describes ‘the ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level’. So are Trimetals products sustainable? From the plastisol coating used on our steel goods to our 25-year guarantee, we’re about to break it down for you. Keep reading to discover more!
Three Things to Consider When Building a Motorbike Garage
Motorbike ownership in the UK has boomed since 2020. With COVID-19 lockdowns putting a halt to indoor and team activities, thousands of Brits turned to motorbiking to keep their brains and bodies happy. And it’s easy to see why they haven’t looked back: riding a motorbike gets you out in the fresh air and gets the endorphins flowing.
But even the most committed bikers have to step out of the saddle occasionally. That’s when you need access to a secure, weather-proof motorbike garage to keep your bike safe.
3 Unmissable Metal Bike Storage Tips To Keep Your Bike Safe and Secure
More of us than ever before are choosing to head out on our bikes, with almost 6.5 million people in England participating in cycling in some form over the last year. And whether your bike is your pride and joy or simply what you use to get from A to B, one thing’s for certain – you want to keep it safe.
Unfortunately though, cycling’s increasing popularity has been matched by an increase in bike thefts – with some studies suggesting that over 1,000 bikes are stolen every day in the UK.
Metal Bike Storage: The Surprising Benefits for Your Wellbeing, Wallet & Carbon Footprint
October 20, 2022
Thinking of investing in Trimetals bike storage? These handy metal solutions provide a safe, secure and convenient place to store and organise bicycles at home, at your workplace or otherwise. This also protects them from adverse weather, keeping them in tip-top spec.
However, there’s more than first meets the eye when it comes down to the benefits of this practical storage option. In this blog, we’ve detailed 3 lesser known advantages. Keep reading to learn more!
4 Surprising Benefits of Metal Bike Storage
1. Boost Your Fitness
If you’re thinking about purchasing bike storage, odds are you already have a bike. Whether you’re a seasoned pedaller or are new to the spin game, cycling is a great way to enhance your physical health. Here’s why:
Protect a Cycle range awarded higher security certification
September 20, 2022
Protect a Cycle metal bicycle stores have been awarded improved certification acknowledging their higher levels of security and confirming their compliance with the Home Quality Mark and SBD (Secure By Design) Homes Award.
Already hugely popular among specifiers and architects this recognition is set to increase the range’s use on new residential developments, alongside facilities management operations and individual cyclists protecting their property.
Rigorously tested by BRE (Building Research Establishment), the popular cycle stores which are manufactured by Trimetals Limited have been proven to cope with the evolving tools and methods used by bicycle thieves. The entire Protect a Cycle product range is now certified by the Loss Prevention Certification Board to its standard of LPS1175: Issue 8, Security Rating 1.
RHS Hyde Hall Summer Flower Show 2019
September 18, 2019
Trimetals was pleased to work in association with Essex Police and the Royal Horticultural Society by providing a Protect a Cycle (High Security Cycle Store) for the Safe and Secure Garden exhibit at the Hyde Hall Summer Flower Show.
The Protect a Cycle is approved by both the Loss Prevention Certification Board and Secured by Design (Police Approved Specification) – it is also endorsed by the RHS.
The Police, who offered security advice in the garden, advised that the product proved very popular with visitors who needed to keep their bicycles safe in the garden.
Trimetals Sponsored MTB Rider Tony Revell Update
July 5, 2019
The season continues to go well for the Trimetal’s sponsored MTB Elite category rider Tony Revell.
Round 1 of the Southern Xc Regional Series was held in Winchester and the cold and very windy day made for some testing racing conditions. Tony attacked hard from the start and led for the first half of the race. However a regular rival who stuck with the Tony managed to make an attack towards the end of the race and took the win; however Tony was pleased with his 2nd position.
Next stop on the calendar was the first big Elite British National Race on 23rd of March which was held at Sherwood Forest in Nottingham. Luck wasn’t on Tony’s side as he had picked up a sickness bug during the week before. However, he still decided to race and try and salvage some points. The race went off at blistering pace and it wasn’t long until he realised how much the bug had taken out of him. From then on it was a battle of mind over matter just to finish. After seven gruelling laps he made it across the line in 27th. All things considered he was happy with that.
Trimetals Sponsored MTB Rider gets Elite Class Promotion
May 13, 2019
For 2019 we continue to sponsor mountain bike (MTB) champion Tony Revell.
This year Tony has been promoted to the Elite category which is the highest level of MTB cycling; he will now not only be taking on the UK’s best but also MTB XC racers from around the world.
An update on his 2019 season races so far:
His first race of the year was at the end of January in Lanzarote, this was a major event against a strong field of world class elite athletes. After 4 tough days of racing he finished an impressive 33rd in the premier elite class.
Preventing your Motorcycle Being Stolen
March 29, 2018
What’s really hard? Getting your pride and joy (motorbike) stolen.
What’s really easy? Making sure your motorbike is more secure and better protected.
You must also appreciate that security is based on a number of factors, so for example, just simply investing in a new disc lock is definitely a start, but not the answer.
But don’t worry, this article gives a good overview of the strategies you can employ:
Layers of security
Should a professional and skilled thief desire your motorbike, there’s nothing you can do to prevent him from taking it. There’s no chain or cable that can’t be snipped, no alarm that can’t be beaten and no garage door that can’t be sprung. However, what you can do is make your bike as difficult and time consuming as possible to steal, meaning a thief is considerably less likely to bother when easier targets are available.
Mobile and Static Caravan Storage Options – Storage Units, Sheds or Undervan Boxes?
February 9, 2018
You can never have enough storage space, the more you have the more you will purchase to fill it.
Garages, outbuildings, lofts, basements and cupboards all fill up quickly, but what if you live in a mobile home or own one for holiday use and weekends away.
If storage space is a problem in a house then image the fine tuning needed to manage storage when space is really at a premium.
Where do you store bulky items? – it’s great to have a barbeque set for those long summer evenings outside, bicycles for exploring into the countryside, fishing rods to relax next to the local river or lake, outdoor chairs and tables; the list goes on.
Gas Cylinder Storage (LPG) – Safety, Security and Convenience.
Although there are various ways to store gas cylinders, or gas bottles (propane and butane), this article focusses on enclosed storage, used predominantly by mobile / static home parks, catering outlets and general industrial use.
The storage of LPG gas cylinders within an external housing (to prevent theft, tampering or simply for aesthetic reasons) – raises a number of significant and key considerations.
Understandably, the various materials used to manufacture any storage product of this type must be certified fire resistant; therefore wood or plastic stores are not permitted.
The 5 Best Gardening Programmes and Garden TV Shows
Gardening shows on TV are as popular as ever, the main runners, such as Gardeners World, Love Your Garden and The Great British Garden Revival are still blooming, and new shoots, such as the The Instant Gardener have proved that the public are still greatly interested in watching and learning how to maintain, design and create more interesting gardens.
The choice of gardening programmes has vastly increased with shows popping up on Sky and on the internet, and when you consider that you can now watch shows from other countries too on Youtube, such as those from the USA, Canada and Australia, it all adds up to an incredible selection.
Troll Trouble – Adventures of Sir Tristan Trimetals
January 10, 2018
In this episode Bernard the Dragon employs the services of two dopey trolls to steal Sir Tristan’s shed.
Pretending to be maintenance men their plan soon backfires as they do not realise that the shed requires no upkeep and is guaranteed for 25 years.
It therefore does not take long for the castle residents to see through the evil plan and the trolls are rumbled.
A few years in the dark, damp dungeon awaits them; but maybe they would prefer that to reporting their failure back to Bernard.
Trimetals – 25 Year Guarantee and no maintenance.
How to get your shed ready for winter
November 24, 2017
With winter just round the corner it is a good time to make sure that both it, and its contents, are prepared.
Hopefully the following hints and tips will help you.
Wooden Sheds
- Ensure that you have treated your shed with a good quality wood preserver or paint.
- Check for any loose woodwork, especially around the roof and replace or repair as necessary.
- Ensure the roofing felt is sound, free of tears and well attached; if not then high winds will just rip this off.
- Check for any cracks or holes and use a good quality wood filler to rectify, this will keep your shed dry and also deter any unwanted visitors, such as mice or rats, making your shed their winter home.
- If you have any windows, check the seal around them and repair with exterior silicone sealant if required.
- Remove any leaves and twigs from gutters.
- Oil hinges and any locks including padlocks.
Metal Sheds
- Most premium metal sheds are maintenance free so require no treatment but a quick wash down with mild warm soapy water will remove any dirt.
- Check the tightness of fixings, especially on the roof, as these can rattle loose on cheaper sheds – you will find more expensive sheds use locking nuts that will prevent this.
- Ensure gutters are clear from twigs and leaves.
- Lubricate hinges, locking mechanisms and padlocks.
In general, metal sheds are much easier to take care of and last many times longer than a wooden shed – some offer a 25 year guarantee. www.trimetals.co.uk
Winter Garden Equipment
Winter is an ideal time to have a shed sort out and discard any items you do not require anymore.
Clean off any tools and use a small amount of lubrication on moving parts which will help protect them.
Ye Olde Adventures of Sir Tristan Trimetals
June 14, 2017
Trimetals are proud to present:
Although the modern day Trimetals was founded in 1967 it now appears that our medieval ancestors also had ideas about metal sheds.
Recent excavation work in the tunnels under the Trimetals factory have revealed ancient manuscripts, now translated they tell the story of chivalry, heroism, dragons and, of course, metal sheds.
Believed to be written by none other than Sir Tristan Trimetals himself, it tells his legendary story about the ongoing battle against the evil beings who seek to wreak havoc on him and his shed.
Getting your shed ready for the spring and summer
May 12, 2017
Spring is here, so it’s time to get outside and enjoy your garden, its many people’s favourite time of year.
It is also the ideal time to clean and organise your garden shed, this will ensure all your tools are accessible when you want them, it will also reduce the need for stepping over tools and searching for items when they are required.
A metal shed is ideal, they are secure and require no maintenance: www.trimetals.co.uk
Pick a dry day and remove everything from the shed; although this may seem excessive it will allow you to thoroughly clean the interior and also throw away any items that are no longer required or need to be replaced.
Getting your bicycle ready for spring and beyond.
Before your first ride of the year make sure that your bike is running smoothly and safely.
Unless you brave all weathers over the winter and autumn on your cycle it’s now time to get it out of storage and ready to ride.
A great place to store your bike over winter – www.protectacycle.co.uk
Whilst fairly straightforward to check over yourself it is always sensible to get a local cycle shop to give it a once over if you are still unsure about anything.
Many shops now offer a checking service and will make any necessary adjustments to cables, brakes, chain and gears as well as give further advice if more work is necessary; this will typically cost around £50 but is money well spent.
Spring is coming but does it have to mean a shed-load of work?
February 21, 2017
With spring just around the corner, there is a wealth of jobs waiting for you in the garden but could some be minimised or even avoided all together so you are free to focus on the things you find more enjoyable about bringing your outdoor space back to its former glory after the gloomy winter months?
Some jobs are just basic facts of life when it comes to the arrival of spring in our gardens. There’s the cleaning of patios and decks to remove the grime, mildew and algae that sneak up in damp conditions; the greenhouse clean-up to get it sparkling like new; and the first cut of the lawn when weather permits.
Who Can You Trust When it Comes to Online Reviews?
January 13, 2017
When you wish to know more about a company’s products or service level it is common to go straight to the internet.
Whilst we trust professional independent companies such as Which? we also spend considerable time reading past customer reviews.
However, it’s now thought over 25% of online reviews are fake and indeed some companies even offer incentives to their customers to leave positive reviews; so how can you be confident that you’re buying the right product from a reliable source?
Trimetals have chosen an independent company (Feefo) to collect our customer’s feedback.
Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant presents Queen’s Award
January 4, 2017
December has seen a ‘right royal’ celebration of Trimetals winning the Queen’s Awards for Enterprise.
Following the announcement of the prestigious award earlier this year, Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Dorset, Angus Campbell, has recently visited Trimetals Limited to make a formal presentation in recognition of the company’s significant and sustained growth in global markets.
Representing the Crown, the Lord-Lieutenant took a tour of the factory, meeting the company’s staff and learning about the wide range of products that has brought international success for the specialist metal storage manufacturer.
Winner of the Family Business Award (Dorset Business Awards 2016)
December 15, 2016
Pictured; all 11 winners at the Dorset Business Awards 2016 and Debra Stevenson.
Trimetals are delighted to have been named winner of the Family Business Award at the Dorset Business Awards 2016.
Organised by Dorset Chamber of Commerce and Industry and also supported by Wave 105, the Dorset Business Awards have become the largest of its type in the county. The Awards evening was a fantastic opportunity to celebrate all that is great about Dorset and recognise the achievements of some of its leading businesses, both large and small, that are doing outstanding work. Winners were announced at the gala dinner awards ceremony held at the BIC on the 24th November 2016.
Swimming Pool Equipment Storage
December 7, 2016
For both convenience and safety it is important to have secure storage for all your pool equipment.
Lockers, containers, boxes, trunks are all terms used when describing storage solutions which are typically placed at the side of a swimming pool for easy access.
Although most feature a similar appearance there are important choices to be made regarding size, colour and most importantly construction material.
Remember that many of these stores can also double as seating or benching so having the largest size you can sensibly fit into your designated space is important as they can be utilised as handy chairs or tables for poolside snacks.
Garden Furniture – Winter Storage Ideas
With Autumn already here and Winter closing in by the day it is time to seriously consider how to protect and store your garden furniture over the approaching dark cold and wet months.
Maybe you have purchased a nice new table and chairs for the patio this season complete with parasol, a further skip full of garden toys for the children or that new barbecue that you simply had to have.
But you just didn’t give enough thought and consideration as to where it will kept when it’s too cold to sit outside, did you?
Choosing The Right Bicycle Storage Solution For You
Bicycles are great; fun to ride whilst keeping you fit and healthy, all in the great outdoors – what’s not to like?
Well nothing really but unfortunately you cannot be cycling all the time unless you are Bradley Wiggins, but even he probably stops for a quick cup of tea and a sandwich every now and then.
So the problem of bicycle storage then arises, where to put your precious bike when it’s not being used, and like cycles themselves there are many options available at all price points.
Storage Solutions and Ideas
To start with you need to consider how much you wish to spend, if you only have an old rusty boneshaker then a premium top of the range metal cycle store is probably not a consideration, however if you have just purchased an expensive new mountain bike, hybrid or racer then secure storage is a priority, especially over the winter months when you may not be using your bike as often.
Tips for storing logs during the winter
October 21, 2016
It’s that time of year again where it’s time to start planning for the winter.
So, after a long, wet winter last year, it’s more important than ever to get stocked up and make sure you have enough logs to take you through winter.
How much firewood do you need?
This is the most difficult question to answer and depends on so many factors such as the size of your house and the use of the wood but advisement suggests working on about 3 – 4 m3 per annum. That’s based on using it most evenings and weekends from October to April.
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